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WEI Danli, Dolly (韋丹莉)
Instructor (UPS, Putonghua)
Telephone: 3943 8224
Office: TO203, Fong Shu Chuen Building


WEI Danli, Dolly (韋丹莉) Teaching Assistant


  • MA in Chinese Linguistic and Language Acquisition, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014

  • BA in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Beijing Language and Culture University, 2013 

Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant, Yale-China Chinese Language Centre, CUHK, 2014- present

  • Intern Tutor, Yale-China Chinese Language Center, CUHK, 2014

  • Intern Tutor, International Education Centre, Beijing Language and Culture University, 2013

  • Intern Tutor, the Alliance for Global Education, Beijing, 2012

  • Intern Tutor, College of Advanced Chinese Training, Beijing Language and Culture University, 2012

  • Intern Tutor of Global Education League and distance learning programmes, 2010-2012


  • 韋丹莉、王天嘯、王浩勃. 2019. <語用為綱漢語二語中級教材編寫的實踐>, 載馮勝利,李春普&吳偉平 編著《語言學與華語二語教學――從語言本體到語言運用》,164-187。 香港:商務印書館。[Wei Danli, Wang Tianxiao & Wong Ho Pot. 2019. The Compilation of a CSL Textbook (Intermediate) Based on Pragmatic Framework. Linguistics and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (volume 8), ed. by Feng Shengli, Li Chunpu & Wu Weiping, 164-187. Hong Kong: The Commercial Press.]

Conference Presentations

  • LIU Zhenxia, WANG Tianxiao, WEI Danli, WU Bill Lin. “Animated Dialogues with Audio-Visual Cues for Elementary Putonghua for International Students.” CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2021, Zoom, 26-30 July 2021, Poster Presentation.
    *Won the commendation award for pedagogical innovation.

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