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HON Sun-yu (韓晨宇)
Instructor (UPS, Putonghua)
Telephone: 3943 5925
Office: CS212, Fong Shu Chuen Building
Email: hansy@cuhk.edu.hk

Master of Education, Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (Beijing Language and Culture University) 2007
Teaching Experience
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Chinese Language Centre (1997 - present)
Selected Academic Writings And Research
1.Short Stories, 《中國民間故事》 Chinese Language Center, CUHK, 2001
2. presentation "日本學生學習漢語語音聲韵母的難點調查及教學對策 ” at the 8th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language, Beijing, China. July 2005
3.《漢語三音節新詞語與類詞綴的發展初探》 (北京廣播電視大學學報 2007.3) “An initial analysis of trisyllabic neology and semi-affixation development in modern Chinese ”(Beijing Radio and Television University, March 2007)
4. 北京語言大學課程與教學論碩士畢業論文 《 日本留學生漢語逆序詞詞彙通達的實驗研究》 “ An experimental study on Japanese students’ lexical accessing of reversible Chinese words.” July 2007
5. . 第六届中國社會語言學國際學術研討會 (香港理工大學 2008.3) 宣讀 《香港中文大學內地學生對廣東話語
言態度的調查研究》 “A Survey of the Language Attitudes of Mainland Chinese Students at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Towards Cantonese.” presentation at The 6th International Conference on Chinese Sociolinguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. March 2008.
6. 走向當代前沿科學的現代漢語語法研究國際學術研討會 (北京 2010.8)發表論文 《 日本留學生漢語句式的個
案跟踪調查研究 》
7. 9th BCLT International Symposium on Innovation and Standardisation in Teaching and Learning Chinese presented《 留學生漢語被動句式習得順序及教學實踐 》 , Organized by The British Chinese Language Teaching Society, UK,Edinburgh, 2011.07.01.
8. TCLT7 The 7th International Conference & workshops on Technology & Chinese Language Teaching in the 21st Century >. presented 《 留學生習得 “被 ”字句的偏誤類型考察 ---基於書面語料的習得研究 》 , Organized by National Foreign Language Resourse center, University of Hawaii Manoa, 2012,05.25-27
9.“The Challenges Presented by Motivational Strategies to Learners of Chinese as a Second Language” presented at 3rd Annual Conference International Association for Asia Pacific Studies Organized by The Chinese University of HongKong, 23 - 24 November 2012
10. 2013 年 7 月 26 29 日在内蒙古呼和浩特联合举办 基于多元理论的对外汉语教学模式研
究 国际学术研讨会上 )發表論文 《 汉语第二语言学习者的动机策略对教学模式的启示》 。
11. 第五屆亞太地區國際漢語教學學會年會 之不同社會、政治與文化環境下的漢語教學國際會議
中宣讀論文: 《 留学生习得 把 字句、 被 字句句法意识发展的特点》。
The Development of Syntactic Awareness of Chinese “BA3” &”BEI4” Sentences in Foreign
Students’Acquisition ; 24th -25th August 2013
16th Annual International Conference on Education; 19-22 May 2014, Athens, Greece 13.“A Research on the Comparison of Effects in Composition with Aid of Different Types of Pictures in Chinese Learning as a Second Language” 26th International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition, Szczyrk, Poland, 22nd- 24th May 2014. 14. “The influence of success on Motivational Strategies of Chinese as a Second Language ” Oral presentation at conference in Barcelona combines academic research and cultural events. Barcelona 2016: Int'l Conference for Academic Disciplines 23rd-26th May 2016. 15. “ Age-factor in Second Language Learning Capacity “ , oral presentation at the International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Education at the Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy from 20 to 23 June 2017.
Professional Service
Service to the Hong Kong Examination Authority as an assessor of the Mandarin Bench-Mark Proficiency Test LPAT (2003-2021)
Service to the Hong Kong Examination Authority as an Exam Center Supervisor of the Mandarin Bench-Mark Proficiency Test LPAT (2012-2021)
Service to the Hong Kong Examination Authority as a Tape script Speaker of the Mandarin Bench-Mark Proficiency Test LPAT (2005-2021)
Professional Qualification and Award
1998 Second Class Upper in Putonghua Proficiency Test (普通話水平測試一級乙等)
2017 Obtained Professional Japanese Dancer (Obtained Wakayagi Ryu Natori)